Author Archive | Croquet New Zealand

South Island AC Champs

This year’s South Island Champs were held in Canterbury at United and Holmes Park. The first two days were for […]

Christmas Office Hours

The Croquet New Zealand Office will be closed from 2pm on Friday 21st December and will re-open on January 7th […]

The Women’s Invitation Event

Calling all Women AC players. If you would like to be considered for the Women’s Invitation Event, you need to […]

Australian Open Results

New Zealand’s Jenny Clarke crossed the ditch and came away with the Australian AC Open Singles and Open Doubles titles. […]

2019 Golf Croquet Trans-Tasman

The Golf Croquet Trans-Tasman event has been confirmed to be held from 25th to 29th April 2019 in Cairnlea, Australia. […]

Tournament Updates

North Island AC Championships Rose Gardens Croquet Club has been confirmed as the main venue for the North Island AC […]

AC Silver Badge Handicap Ranges

Due to the change to the Association Croquet handicap system, the handicap ranges for the AC Silver Badges that are […]