2018 AC Worlds – Expressions of Interest

Dear Members,

The World Croquet Federation is now calling for players wishing to participate in the 2018 Association Croquet World Championship being held in Wellington, New Zealand from Saturday 3 to Sunday 11 February.

New Zealand players are asked to register their interest no later than Friday 21 July with the Croquet NZ office. Please respond to croquet@croquet.org.nz

Names will be forwarded to the AC Selection Committee. We required to send the list of names to the WCF by Sunday 30 July which will also include names of those players seeking  a Wild Card Place.

On Sunday 27 August The WCF will announce those players who have been awarded Ranking Places and Wild Places.



RESPONSE DATE: Friday, 21 July 2017

This is the date by which all NZ Members required to inform  CNZ of their wish to take up ranking or wild card places.

RESPONSE DATE: Sunday, 30 July 2017

This is the date by which CNZ is requested to inform the WCF Management Committee via the Secretary-General at secretary@worldcroquet.org:

(a) if they wish to take up their Membership Place or Places;

(b) the names of their eligible players who want a Ranking or Membership place in the Event; and

(c) the names of any of those players they wish to nominate for a Wild Card Place.

Individual players affiliated to a WCF Member and wish to gain a place in the ACWC must announce their availability via their WCF Member. However, if a player is not affiliated to a WCF Member and is not eligible to represent any WCF Member, they should contact the Secretary-General directly.

The other timetable dates set out in Appendix 2 paragraph 3 of the Sports Regulations are:

ALLOCATION DATE: Sunday, 13 August 2017

The highest grades achieved by players in the year ending on this date will be used to determine the initial allocation of Ranking Places).

ANNOUNCEMENT DATE: Sunday, 27 August 2017

The names of the players who have been awarded Ranking Places and Wild Card Places will be announced on this date.

CLOSING DATE: Sunday, 24 September 2017

This is the last date on which Members can nominate players for Membership Places requested on or before the Response Date. Any Membership Place which has been requested by a WCF Member but not taken up by the Closing Date will become an additional Ranking Place.


Entries for the Qualifying Tournament received by this date will be accepted in ranking position order as shown in the Qualifier Ranking List which is itself calculated as at the end of the QTAD. If the Qualifying Tournament is over-subscribed on this date, unsuccessful entrants will be placed on a Qualifying Tournament Reserve List, also in ranking position order.

CUT-OFF DATE: Sunday, 17 December 2017

This is the date after which any returned Ranking Places or Wild Card Places are filled by creating extra Qualifying Places.


This is the last date on which entries can be received to fill any vacancies in the Qualifying Tournament.  It is also the last date on which any returned Membership Places can be replaced by a player from the same country.