CNZ Women’s AC Invitation
Held by Wairarapa Croquet Association
Friday 15th to Sunday 17th November 2024 at 8:30am
Manager | Stefan Horrer
021 664 246 stefan.horrer@mac.com |
Referee | TBC |
Headquarters | Masterton Croquet Club, Queen Elizabeth Park, Masterton |
Expressions of Interest | Expressions of Interest to be selected close on Thursday 3rd October 2024.
Complete your EOI at www.croquet.org.nz. |
Announcement | The players selected will be announced on Thursday 10th October 2024. |
Club House | Any clubhouse fee, up to $5 per day, will be charged to all competing players only for the days present. |
The winner will hold the Mrs HC Willis Silver Salver for one year.
2023-2024 Winner: Bonnie Johnstone
- Selection by invitation of up to ten players.
- The format will be a single round robin
- Time limits will apply. Time limits will depend on the number of players. A minimum of 3 hours will be used.
- Nominal hoop dimensions will be set to 3 ¾ʺ.
- A badge will be presented to a first-time winner and badges to first-time competitors in any CNZ Invitation.
- Quadway hoops will be used.