
The tables below outline the equipment, publications and resources available to be ordered from Croquet New Zealand. All prices are GST Inclusive but do not include any postage.

Please email all orders to When ordering, please include the item, quantity required and the delivery address.

Lawn Maintenance Products
Through Croquet New Zealand’s partnership with PGG Wrightson Turf, Clubs have access to exclusive prices. For a copy of the pricelist, please contact your Association. Note that the price list is reviewed and updated by PGG Wrightson Turf in March every year. To order products from PGG Wrightson Turf, please email the office at and we can facilitate an account with them.
Clips, centre pegs, corner flags and Sunshiny Balls
Please visit Wood Mallets.
PublicationCost (does not include postage)
Establishment and Management of Croquet Lawns in New Zealand – NZ Sports Turf Institute (2022)$35
Golf Croquet Coaching –
Mavis Brogden
Peel Appeal – Steve Jones (1997)$30
2024/25 Yearbook
(Perfect or Spiral binding)
GC Rule Book (6th Edition – 2022)$7.50
AC Laws Book (7th Edition – 2021)$10
ItemCost (does not include postage)
Golf Croquet AHS CardsFree (for affiliated Clubs & Associations)
Association Croquet AHS CardsFree (for affiliated Clubs & Associations)
GC Score PadsFree (for affiliated Clubs & Associations)
AC Score PadsFree (for affiliated Clubs & Associations)